RESIL RISK 2023 report launched

On 9th November NIEL launched the RESIL RISK Northern Ireland 2023 report outlining insights into public perceptions of climate risks and adaptation strategies. The survey, carried out in May 2023,  is a repeat of the 2022 survey with the addition of a question/response options to gauge public attitudes to local food and farming.

Key findings and associated recommendations from RESIL RISK Northern Ireland 2023 will help with the design of effective climate communications and public engagement within the local context, with a view to fostering civil society action and more climate resilient communities.

This report was funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council through the Place-based Climate Action Network (PCAN) as part of the Rural Resilience Project which aims to support farmers in Northern Ireland with adaptation to climate change.

The survey is part of the wider Rural Resilience Project led by NIEL to support farmers and the agri-sector with information on climate risks and opportunities, and practical approaches to adjust and prepare. Project findings are fed into agri and climate policy and will improve baseline data to inform future research.

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